Empowering Lives Through Allergy Awareness and Support
Join AllergyStrong and FOODiversity for a transformative day at “Feeding Community Health.” This unique event is dedicated to enhancing lives in our community by addressing the challenges of living with food allergies and related conditions.
Feeding Community Health
Hosted by FOODiversity & AllergyStrong
Charlotte metropolitan area, NC
January 23, 2024
AllergyStrong and FOODiversity are proud to host Feeding Community Health, a one-day event that brings education and – most importantly – solutions to support the more than 10 percent of community members who live with life threatening food allergies and related conditions.
Feeding Community Health (FCH) is a one-day event meant to educate and problem solve for patients, caregivers, and community stakeholders. Held in two sessions, the first is primarily aimed at patients and caregivers providing them the information and tools they need to make the best decisions and improve quality of life for themselves and their families. The second session is focused on how community stakeholders such as physicians, emergency care workers, schools, food assistance programs, environmental agencies and others involved in public health and social work can increase resources and make them more accessible to those with food allergies.
The main objectives of the event are to:
- Engage patients and caregivers with practical information so they can access the healthcare and resources they need and improve quality of life.
- Raise awareness among community stakeholders about the obstacles presented by food allergies and related conditions.
- Present solutions-driven information to healthcare workers and community organizations so they can begin protecting and supporting those living with food allergies and their families.
- Create networking opportunities for these organizations and individuals to work together, offer referrals, and learn from one another.
We’d love to have you participate!
First, we would be so appreciative if you could spread the word among patients, others in healthcare, or community organizations poised to help people with food allergies. Second, you could help sponsor the event or host a table at the event (if interested, reach out for details). MOST IMPORTANTLY, we would love to have you in attendance – it would be wonderful to see you in person! We all would benefit from conversation and interaction with well-informed food allergy leaders.
FOODiversity and AllergyStrong are both 501c3 non-profit organizations which support underserved communities living with food allergies.